I wish everyone was this happy

Monday, July 25, 2011

Final attempt at embedding Voice thread


For some reason I am having issues embedding my voice thread in a way that it can be viewed by the public. So I provided the link above for everyone to view.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Instructional strategies

Conctent area- Language arts
Strategies- Phonemic awareness, decoding, comprehension

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

UbD Design: Stage 1

Transgender Kids

The video shown is just the first part of the documentary, they other 5 parts are on YouTube. This documentary follows children who identify themselves as the opposite sex of what they were born. The transgender topic has always intrigued me because many people in society today still believe that people of the LGBT community choose to be different. This documentary dispels many of those rumors. I have always believed that most LGBT do not choose who they are, they are born that way. But I am also quite realistic to the fact that there are a percentage of people who choose to be lesbian, gay or bisexual because of unsuccessful relationships. This trend is unfortunate because it is causing people to portray "true" members of the LGBT community as impostors (I say true for lack of better terms). I thought this documentary was very informative and authentic.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Community Mapping


Above is a link from www.walkscore.com of National Teachers Academy. This map will show various locations around the school within a 2 mile radius. this area is very much assessible to citizens who walk or take public transportation. Some of the amentities within this neighborhood include restaurants, banks, stores, a library and various forms of public transportation.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Teaching philosophy

As a future educator I believe effective, appropriate classroom management and a quality, diverse curriculum are more than necessary in a classroom setting. Classroom management should be present because without it, the class will be simply chaotic. Things such as organization, class rules and class safety are things that should be implemented into every classroom environment. Along with that, a teacher should have lessons and assignments that change often. The teacher must implement things that will peak the students’ interest because children are more willing to participate and are more excited about activities that they can relate to. I think classroom management and quality education go hand in hand because without classroom management it can be quite difficult to provide a child with a quality education.
The role of the teacher is very important and is one that should not be taken lightly. I think the role of the teacher is to provide the students with a quality education, interesting experiences, social experiences and a sense of safety. A teacher should provide all of these in a variety of ways such as in classroom activities, assignments and any other interaction with the student. Of course a teacher’s role goes way beyond that, but these are just some basic ideas that I believe should be required.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day #1

Today is the first day of TIE 535! I have never blogged in my life so this will definitely be an interesting experience. I like the idea of typing my thoughts instead of writing them on a piece of paper.